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Energy Transformation

Writer's picture: Hadassah AnapioHadassah Anapio

Written by: Carl Shank

Christian Schwarz in his book, Natural Church Development, talks about the “Jujitsu Energy principle” – “forces and energies (including hostile ones) are turned in the right direction through minute steering strategies.” Applying this biotic principle requires broad awareness and sensitivity to both positive and negative developments within the church.

It requires identifying these energy sources.

Once identified, the question becomes, how can this energy, whether expressed negatively or positively, be harnessed for the healthy growth and good of the whole body? An example of positive energy use is employing new converts in the outreach and evangelistic thrusts of your church. They not only give excitement and willingness to reach others for Christ. Their energy infects others in a positive way in the body.

But what about this “negative” energy? In Jujitsu the aim is to marshal the energy

of your opponent and combine it with your own energy for a favorable outcome. It might seem that negative energy weakens the church body and expends unnecessary effort, leadership time, and energy. The truth is if God has given you this person who is exerting negative energy in the church, your job is to find out how to turn this negative energy into positive growth. God has certainly not made a mistake in giving your church this person. And, often this “obstacle” has been a key individual in the church body in the past. So, how is this done?

I encountered a “negative energy” person in a church where I had served as the senior pastor. One of the key ladies of the church had severe initial trouble with my vision and the direction I believe God had given me for the church and its future. She thought about leaving, but her strength of commitment to Christ and that local body in the past made her confront me one day in my office. Ready to do battle, or leave the church if necessary, she told me in no uncertain terms that my ministry lacked administrative integrity. She pointed out that I neglected the details for the big picture, was confusing people and brought chaos into the church organization. She offered her resignation from all events and ministries

in the church, believing her negative energy would be detrimental to the church.

My response in those minutes inwardly ranged from anger to frustration. Not knowing what exactly to say, God placed in my mind and heart this thought, Why don’t you ask her to head up the entire Wednesday evening children’s ministry?! Knowing this was a God-moment, I put the question to her. Her response was predictable and then unpredictable! She first of all said, “Didn’t you hear what I just said to you?” I responded that the church could use her administrative abilities, with attention to detail, in the children’s ministry.

I also said that her abilities could help the church grow healthily. Somewhat baffled, she unpredictably said, “I need two days to pray about this.” I said that would be alright and

for her to call me with her answer.

Two days went by and on the third day, the phone rang. She had been in earnest prayer about our conversation and believed God was calling her to take the job of leading children’s ministries. Delightfully I accepted her offer. I put down the phone and praised God for His unbelievable goodness. Later, she and her husband became one of the strongest couples in the church in buying into my vision and helping the church push forward.

What happened? Energy transformation! God had taught me in that crisis moment that all energy in His body can be utilized for the good of the kingdom and the growth and health of his church.

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